Summer Band Begins Tuesday, June 13th at 7 PM
Post date: Jun 12, 2017 7:44:24 PM
Here are some reminders for everyone as we begin summer band tomorrow!
Summer Band Checklist
Things to bring every rehearsal
Things to bring every rehearsal
- Flip Folio - with all music inserted (need music? goto Marching/Pep Band Documents)
- Lyre
- Gym Shoes
- Your instrument
Things to bring or do by Thursday
Things to bring or do by Thursday
- Goto - Complete the online form
- Bring $5 for a t-shirt if you need it. Make Checks payable to ATHS Music Boosters
- Bring $35 for a Great America ticket. Make checks out to the ATHS Music Boosters
- Bring back the signed field trip form for the Bensenville Parade - see below
- Bring back the signed field trip form for the Great America Performance - see below
- Enroll in Remind - Text @athssb to 81010
- Bookmark
Things to do this weekend
Things to do this weekend
- Get white gym shoes for the performances
- Get khaki shorts for the performances (The summer uniform is the band t-shirt, khaki shorts, and white gym shoes)
Things to do before the end of June
Things to do before the end of June
- Memorize Patriotic Parade Sequence
- Memorize the Warm-up including the Alma Mater
- Be able to play all field show music