Holiday Benefit Assembly and Concert Info

Post date: Dec 5, 2017 4:42:05 PM

Ladies and gentlemen,

Here is the timeline for tomorrows events.

7:00 am - Officers and percussion report to school(Check/complete setup)

7:30 am - All students arrive(Don't forget your formal wear accessories: bow ties, black socks, dress shoes white shirt etc.)

7:45 am - (period 1)get dressed, then report to the gym. Refer to this seating chart for where to sit.

8:15 am - Warmup in the gym

8:45 am - Rehearse combines pieces(Holiday Sing-along and Hallelujah Chorus)

9:25 am - (Period 3)Assembly begins:


10:10 am - Assembly ends. Stay seated.

10:15 am - (ATR)Symphonic Band released to change clothes, put away music and instruments. return to the gym

10:30 am - Wind Ensemble Released to change clothes, DO NOT PUT AWAY MUSIC. Return to the gym.

10:50 am - (Period 4)Symphonic Band goes to their period 4 class. Wind Ensemble rehearses in the gym

11:45 am - (Period 5)Symphonic Band rehearses in the gym

12:30 pm - NO Sectionals

4:00-6:00 pm - EAT AT CHIPOTLE! See attached flyer or just tell them you are there for the Music Booster Fundraiser.

6:30 pm - Report to ATHS, get dressed.

7:00 pm - Report to the band room for warm-up. Doors open to the gym. Admission is $3 for this concert and passes are not accepted.

7:30 pm - Concert in the gym. Program order:

9:00 pm -

  • All percussionists
    • return equipment to the band room
    • All accessories in the cabinet,
    • all large battery up against the green wall,
    • all mallets covered and "tetrised" up against the green wall, and
    • timpani returned to the correct rooms, covered and up against the wall.
    • After all percussion is returned and your music put away, you may change and are excused.
  • All Winds and Brass
    • Stack your chair on a chair rack
    • Push your stand top down, invert the top and rack your stand on a rack NEATLY!
    • put away your instrument
    • put away your music
    • After all chairs and stands are returned you may change and are then excused.

Please read this email carefully and refer to it if you have any questions. During each of these events, you should either be getting equipment/uniforms, warming up or performing. At no time should you be in the halls unless you are moving to the gym, band room or changing. Keep your personal effects in your locker and your locker closed and locked. Knowing what you are expected to do and when, will make this day go smoothly. Thank you.