Music News 2/2/18

Post date: Feb 2, 2018 2:47:35 PM

Welcome Back!

Even though we've been back from winter break for a few weeks, this is our first email for the year(It's been a little crazy for me). Things are moving along in the music department.

Pops Concert 2/24/18

For those of you who are new to the ATHS music department, this concert features all of our music groups performing lighter music in the casual atmosphere of the cafeteria. This a major fundraiser for our music boosters who raise money in a few different ways. All of the admissions for this concert will go to the music boosters. Also, food will be served so please come hungry, and take advantage of the beef and pizza served by our music boosters. Finally, there are raffle and silent auction items. You can help by donating items for the raffle or silent auction. Considering donating items or services from your business. Perhaps you have season tickets to a local team and could donate a game's tickets. Cash donations are welcome as well. With your support, we can make this concert a success musically and financially. Contact Mrs. Kelly Bartkiewicz at

Music Booster Meeting 2/5/18 - 7:30 pm Blazer Room

All parents are invited to attend the music booster meeting this Monday at 7:30 PM in the Blazer room. This the final planning meeting for the Pops Concert. Remember that many hands make light work. The more parents that volunteer to help our at this concert, the easier it is for everyone. This is also a great way to get involved with your child's music education. See you Monday!

Course Selections

Course selections for next year are well underway. A strong music program starts with strong student participation. Current music students should re-enrol in the same courses they are currently enrolled in. In the spring, music teachers will place students in the appropriate courses based on auditions. Feel free to continue to promote the ATHS music programs to 8th-grade parents and speak about your experiences with the program. As you all can recall, enrolling your first child in high school can be a confusing and stressful time, but with some mentoring, we can help incoming families transition into strong music families.

I'd also like to remind you that current sophomores and juniors are eligible to enrol in Advanced Placement Music Theory. Here is a course that allows your child to get college credit for what they have learned already in their music classes. Colleges are more like to award credit in the humanities or electives to AP music theory students than they would for award credit for almost any other class. If your child hasn't taken advantage of this course already, contact your counsellor and ask to have it added today.

PS - If your child is in the jazz ensemble, don't forget to ask to have that added to their selections as well.

Date Changes

The dates for the Band and Orchestra AT/IT festivals have been changed. The AT/IT Band Festival has been moved to March 13th at 7 pm and the Orchestra Festival has been moved to March 15th at 7 pm.

Upcoming events

2/5 - Music Booster Meeting, 7:30 PM

2/6 - White Pep Band, 6 PM(band)

2/9 - Blue and White Pep Band, 6:30 PM(band)

2/10 - Evanston Township HS Jazz Festival, 7 am-1 pm(jazz)

2/21 - CSO Open Rehearsal(band and orchestra)

2/24 - Pops Concert, 6 PM(all groups)

As always, if you have questions about your child's music education, feel free to contact me anytime.